Friday, December 3, 2010

The Season of the Bees


The Kona Days
Vol II

As the snow coning went on, the job proved to be harder than Richard initially thought.  It wasn't all just playing cell phone games and watching flag football.  It was driving around the same neighborhoods week after week, stopping the truck for the same little deadbeats every time even though he knew they had no money.  It was dealing with parents who, after ordering eleven snow cones for the kids on their block, tipped him fifty cents, only to ask for it back to pay for kid #12 who, upon further review, brought his own money, leaving the fifty cents unused, and available to re-tip Richard.  
And then, there were the bees... 
The bees that made Richard question his very being, and life, and religion.  Every event that Richard parked at must have been on top of an underground hive because within minutes of serving the first cone, the truck would be swarmed with hundreds of bees, sucking up flavors and landing on the hands and hair of his young customers, sending them squealing back into their parents arms.  But did the bees deter people from ordering their cool treats? Not at all.  They forged through the swarm, pausing to read every single flavor to their kids, and insisting that they get more than one flavor when all their child really wanted was, "a Red one."  It takes a certain kind of person to expect a squirming and sweaty snow cone truck driver to serve them sugar-filled shaved ice through this bee-filled hell on earth.  
The breaking point was reached on a Saturday morning when Richard was working the youth soccer league at, "Silver Creek," or, "Cypress Landing," or whatever the stupid name of the newly developed Texas suburban neighborhood was.  He had just served a small cactus juice snow cone to a golden-haired little boy when one of the hundreds of swarming bees landed right on top of it.  The young lad shrieked and waddled over to his parents dropping the snow cone on the ground in a heap, which was instantly covered with bees. 
That was it.
Richard decided it was either him, or the bees.  He turned on the truck and parked it in a different sector of the parking lot, away from the sugary pile of cactus juice ice.  He fashioned a whacking stick and shield out of cardboard and tape, and prepared for the final battle...
He slid the serving window wide open and allowed the buzzing hoard to enter his domain.  After they were inside slurping syrup, Richard shut the window and watched.  He waited for them to drink their fill,  he watched as their bodies turned the color of the syrup that they chose, they were drunk and clumsy and the only way out of the truck was smashed on a cardboard shield (he quickly discovered that the whacking stick was wildly ineffective due to its small surface area).  Only after he laid waste to each wave of bees would he re-open the serving window to attend to the customers.  Bored kids that were dragged to their siblings' games looked on and cheered as the battle raged.  By the time the soccer games were over and Richard's obligation to sling cone was done, he had killed hundreds of bees.  It's been said that on quiet nights, he can still hear their sickening buzz.
And, whenever he had time he drew 'toons...     

Write-in Submission
by: CR

For years, Ms. Colonita had been thinking of Mr. Toilet as the villain (for the record, I do not presume to judge the veracity of her perspective). The reason for this perception was that whenever she would deliver her packages to his place of business (he was a middle man working for the city government), John would throw water at her in proportion to the size of the package delivered.

Given that Urina was compelled to deliver the packages not of her own volition (she was delivering ‘packages to nowhere’...just one of many manifestations of the government’s attempts to jolt the economy back into it’s pre-recession form), she grew increasingly upset with John at what seemed to be his knee-jerk reaction to package delivery, thinking to herself, “How unfair for him to splash the messenger”.

Over the years, she had begun to plot her revenge. She decided on a plan that would involve delivering as large a package as she could manage, hoping to clog up John’s operations (friends recall her mumbling under her breath, “I’m going to murder Mr. Toilet”). The day had finally arrived...she was poised...she made the delivery and sure enough the package did it’s job, shutting down his business for a week.

Feeling vindicated, she “celebrated” by taking some much needed R&R, telling herself that she deserved the break, when in reality she had no choice but to relax, as she had cleared out her warehouse of its supplies and would have to wait for restocking to occur before resuming her work anyway.  

As it turns out, the package almost crushed John, requiring resetting of broken bones, stitches, IVs and many other intervention techniques to save his life. As is often the case in these situations, Ms. Colonita was caught by the county police and charged with attempted murder. While sitting in prison awaiting her trial, Ms. Colonita started throwing up blood. She was rushed to the doctor’s and was diagnosed as having ruptured her lungs, attributable only to the extraordinary exertion undertaken during her revenge.

Long story short, she died in the hospital, asking her family to remember her for the war she waged against incivility.

After the trial was dismissed, Mr. Toilet was allowed to appear on many morning news shows to tell his side of the story (up until then he had, on the counsel of his counsel, been asked to remain out of the media spotlight). In response to the question: “If you could speak to her now, what would you say to Ms. Colonita?” he replied, “I would say to her that I wished she would have taken my perspective, as I, much like everyone else, am just a messenger. The water was nothing more than an unfortunate but necessary manifestation of the first law of thermodynamics”.

The journalist closed by pondering, in a manner that many later remarked had lacked the appropriate level of sensitivity toward Urina and her family...“In the end, it seems that the old adage, ‘assumptions make an ass out of you and me’  stands intact. Indeed, who’s the ass now?”

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chapter 3

The Adventures of Richard Garrettson
Chapter 3: The Kona Days
Vol I
Richard searched for other jobs to supplement his part-time exterminator income.  He put his resume on and checked in with a few of his previous employers.  As he was talking to the manager of a country club he worked at in past summers, he remembered an offer he received while visiting his friends in Austin, Texas.  His friend, Sigmund Pickler (Sig Pi for short), owns a snow cone truck franchise and mentioned to Richard that if he was ever free, he could drive a U-Haul down to Texas carrying two freezers from up North for a nice little payday.  Not having any luck in his job search, Richard called Siggy to see if the offer was still on the table.
Not only was the offer still available, Sig told Richard that he could really use another driver for his fleet.    As great as the plan sounded, Richard knew that he couldn't make a this decision without talking it over with his girlfriend, Begonia.  To his surprise, she instantly loved the idea and agreed to travel down to Texas and learn the snow cone trade with him.
They were all set.  They packed up Richard's tan Corolla and hit the road.  With an overnight stop in Memphis, the twenty-three hour drive took two days.  They arrived at their new place, said hello to their new roommates, and went over to the warehouse to learn their new vocation.  The other members of the team included Richard's old friends Andrew "Bacon" Elgie, and Vin Hasty.  Richard and Begonia learned the basic principles of ice-shaving and flavor-pouring before going back to the townhouse for some much needed rest.  The real fun started in the morning.
Siggy put Richard and Begonia on the road together for their first day.  He taught them the right speed and pace to use around the neighborhoods and sent them out to bring in some money.  Richard loved it.  He was out and about in a strange new city, driving a snow cone truck and rocking out to religious songs that were remade using steel drums (to give them an island feel).  It was a fun job, he had three great new roommates, and his girlfriend was happy, things were going just fine.
He had to run to IKEA to get a cheap little desk so that though it all, he could keep drawing cartoons...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chicken Cacciatore

The Adventures of Richard Garrettson
Chapter 2: The Destruction of Termite City

       After graduation, Richard wasn't ready to jump right back into school.  He decided to work for a year or so before applying to law school so he could save some money.  His friend, Preston, worked for his brother in the summer doing termite treatments to houses.  Preston suggested that Richard work with him for the summer and Richard jumped at the opportunity.  He would get to work outside, he would log around forty hours a week and he got to work with his friend.  
       The process was simple, drill holes at one foot intervals around the house, pump insecticide into the holes, and patch them up.  Richard was the drill man.  Drilling was a harder assignment than pumping, but there was something satisfying about using that big-ass drill to break through the cement.  
       Life was simple; wake up, drill holes, fake laugh at the customer's awful jokes, (They ought-a call this place termite city huh?!) drive around and go home.  Richard was making money and aside from a few busted knuckles caused by the dreaded, "drill backfire," his body was no worse for wear.  
       Then came the Fall.  Business slowed and there weren't enough jobs to keep both guys busy full-time, so Richard received a notice via e-mail.  His manager informed him that he would be switched to part-time, two days a week, and if he wanted to look for new jobs that she would understand.  That was it... the termites had won.
       So he rambled on looking for his next adventure and through it all, he drew more cartoons.

"Spicy Romance" 
by: Cam

I recently went to a Taco Bell to grab a bite to eat. As it had been a
long time since I had been to that fast food establishment, the sauce
greetings were new to me. As I went to grab the first sauce, I noticed
that the sauce was asking me for my hand in marriage. I found myself
telling the sauce that I was already engaged.

After exhausting the first packet on my food, I reached for another
one, which again asked for my hand in marriage. I thought to myself,
"this bitch is assertive", saying again that I was not interested,
given that I was currently taken (I did thank her, saying, "you
flatter me with your persistence"). Finishing the second packet, I
found that I needed at least three more packets to provide thorough
coverage of my meal.

The next one I grabbed asked me if we had met before. "Indeed we have.
In fact you have just asked me to marry you twice." Thinking that my
saucy mistress had significant trouble forming short and long-term
memories, I was pleased that her fancy for me was not short lived, but
rather had some staying power (no doubt due to my stunning good
looks). Beyond that, I was pleased that I had not hastily rushed out
of a perfectly good marriage into one that would have been doomed from
the start given her cognitive impairments and her sole reliance on one-liners.

Growing hungry, I decided to stop loading the sauce onto my meal. As I
ate, I contemplated the strange day, and it slowly dawned on me that I
had made a terrible mistake...I was not interacting with one memory
impaired suitor, but quintuplets (remember that, growing hungry, I had
not yet met the two others who were still in the bag)! I promptly
apologized to the three of the quintuplets with whom I had interacted,
expressing my embarrassment at having made such a mistake. They were
gracious though, saying that they had grown used to it. Quickly
recovering my wits, I said, "indeed I would imagine so, given your
striking phenotypic similarities".

During the awkward silence that ensued, I bid my farewell, telling them
that I needed to get back to work, and they agreed that they should be
going too.

We parted ways amicably enough.

Reflecting on the experience, I realize that the truth is indeed often
stranger than fiction...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chapter 1

The Adventures of Richard Garrettson
by: Garrett Richardson

Chapter 1: An Education

We meet Richard in the Spring of 2009.  He is in his final semester at the University and is very excited for the challenges ahead.  He is a broadcast journalism major with a minor in Law & the Liberal Arts.  All his life, Richard wanted to work in the film industry, but when it came time to apply for the film program, he discovered that he would have to transfer to the Main Campus a semester early.  Not ready to make such a drastic change so quickly, he sought the advice of his trusted advisor.  She told him that if he liked film, Broadcast Journalism might be the way to go because you basically learn the same things.  He found out quickly that this wasn't the case.  Instead of learning interesting camera shots and editing techniques, Richard learned about the, "If it bleeds, it leads," theory, which states that the most violent stories are the most newsworthy and should be run at the beginning of the broadcast.  The more disenchanted he became with his major, the more Richard thought about Law School as an alternative to a career in Journalism.  He started to set himself on cruise control during the Broadcast classes and pay more attention to his courses that dealt with law and the justice system.
         Through some devilishly clever scheduling, Richard’s last semester was far and away his easiest.  He had three real classes that met on Tuesday and Thursday, and two online courses that he completed at his leisure.

(Tuesday/Thursday - Intro to Basketball 8:00-9:30, Squash I 10:00-11:00, Criminology 2:30-4:00)

As graduation grew ever closer, Richard’s classmates talked about their internships for the following summer or the entry level job offers they had received, while Richard sat back, content with his lack of a plan, because he was going to be a big shot lawyer someday. 
Through it all, he drew cartoons...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dick Garrettson

Cartoon Character...
Name: Richard Garrettson
Age: 24, well, 25 in December
A recent college graduate, Richard (or Dick, as his "so called" friends call him) dreams of being a professional cartoonist someday, but since newspapers only print cartoons by syndicated artists like butthole Charles Shultz, Richard spends his days careening through the abyss known as the working world.  Follow Richard through his adventures as an exterminator, a tiki-bartender, and even as a snow cone truck driver in Texas, plugging away to make that all-mighty dollar, when all he wants to do is draw, drink, and DANCE...

(note: Any similarities to real-life persons or situations are completely coincidental, also Charles Shultz isn't a butthole, it's just frustrating is all...)

Pick-up Line- (note: the girl should be crying as a result of something her current boyfriend did or said.)
"Baby, with me it would be like Johnson and Johnson... No more tears."

Friday, October 29, 2010

Caption Contest

Caption Contest

"Uhh sorry I got Snickers and Twix, no dog treats"

"you're not fooling anybody with that costume, verne troyer"

‎"Hmmm, well this is just awkward"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PSN Name: Biggestbruiser6

Newest 'toon...

The political commercials this year might be the funniest ever.  
"Millionaire Mike Kelly" -
"Pat Toomey should run for Senator, of China" -
If only elections were decided by who conducts the most hilarious smear campaign.

How am I supposed to interpret this?  Here is a picture from inside my bedroom window of my Mom's Halloween decoration...

(note: This picture was not doctored to make it more horrifying)
Is this her not-so-subtle way of letting me know it's time to move out?  Keep in mind this picture was taken in the daylight, it's ultra-scary in the dark.

"High Steaks Poker"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Great Weekend

The PIX Comics Expo was a great success.  
Thanks to everyone who came out to see my exhibit, that really meant a lot.  

Thursday, October 14, 2010

PIX Cartoon Expo

No cartoons this week because I've been working hard getting ready for the Pittsburgh Indy Comics expo.  Come check my table out at 2839 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA this Saturday and Sunday 
between 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Change of Scenery

Newest Toon...

"Flying Coach"

First day working at my new desk location... Pretty nice.

Cartoon Character...
His name, for the other eleven months of the year, is Steven Montgomery, but every October he turns into Frank, The Blow-up Lawn Decoration Slasher.  

Five years ago Montgomery was decorating his house for Halloween with some fake spider webs in the trees, jack-o-lanterns that he and his two daughters carved, and a scarecrow, made by stuffing some of his old clothes with foam.  As he was setting up the scarecrow in a lawn chair, he noticed his neighbor dragging an extension cord out into his lawn.  He told his two daughters, Sue and Allison, to go ahead inside and wash up for dinner.  He walked over and asked his neighbor what the cord was for and before he could answer, a small fan began inflating a giant ghost.

Each year more and more of these inflatables popped up as Steven continued to decorate the old-fashioned way.  Finally his left eye got so sore from looking into the soulless faces of the inflatable ghouls and goblins that it turned bright red.  His wife was so disgusted by his appearance that she took the girls and left him... (at home while she took the girls on a haunted hayride.)  He grew mad with loneliness.  He set out into the night to destroy that which made him the way he was.  He scoured his neighborhood, slashing inflatables and howling at the moon.  With each kill he made his eye turned a shade whiter.  By the time his family returned home he was napping on the couch, oblivious of the countless lives, and tens of dollars worth of property that he destroyed.

So when choosing your decorations this Halloween beware, because you never know when Frank will be unleashed again, and it is awkward trying to get money from him to replace the inflatables that he pops, and he always uses his wife as an alibi, and she lies for him because she's so embarrassed by the whole thing, and the police never pursue it because they have more important things to worry about.  Sooo...

Feel free to use this story around the campfire.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


2nd MTO 'toon...

I hate when the alarm goes off for no reason when I am leaving the store with my purchases and they tell me to go ahead.  Why didn't I steal something?!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Stormy Monday

The first Made-to-order cartoon...
I told my brother that no one would know what an elderberry was but he commissioned me to make the 'toon anyway.  For those who don't know what they are, they are small dark berries that grow in clusters on elder trees.  I gathered by skimming through an FAQ section on, that they can be toxic, but when prepared properly, offer many health benefits.

Droid Does... run out of battery REALLY fast.

(for best results, right click on the link for the song and open in a new window, on Mac, control + click)

Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man (WARNING: they say the F word)
The scene opens in an army base.  You can see by what's written on the MISSION DETAILS dry erase board that this team will be extracting a prisoner from behind enemy lines.  Most of the members of this eight-man team look like your standard bad-ass special-ops type soldiers except two: One a rookie (Andy), who begged to be included in the mission because the prisoner is his best childhood friend, and the other, a grizzled veteran (Burt) who sits silently in the back of the room engulfed in a cloud of smoke from the cigar he's puffing.  
Covered by the dark of night the squad arrives by boat on enemy soil undetected and splits up into smaller groups, snipers to the hill, artillery around the enemy fortress, and the two outsiders, Burt and Andy make their way in as the guards are distracted by an explosion in the distance.  They get separated inside the dark hallways and Andy starts to panic.  As he approaches the prison area, he sees two watchmen and hides behind a corner, but as he presses himself into the wall, he steps on a pebble which spooks the guards.  They approach the corner with caution and radio in that they are checking on a noise.  He shakily tries to steady his gun to keep it from rattling as the guards approach.  Just as they are turning the corner POW! POW! two shots from Burt's shotgun kill the enemy guards.  The base's alarm sounds.  From this point on Andy follows Burt very closely.  Burt storms through the base killing enemies with his shotgun and trusty hunting knife.  The violence is almost too much for Andy to bear but he pulls himself together when he sees his best friend lying in a cell.  He shoots open the lock and kneels next to his friend.  He realizes that his friend is dead.  Burt enters the cell to check on the situation and as he consoles Andy, is shot in the back of the leg.  He collapses and shoots his attacker.  At this point Andy's expression changes from fear and sadness to anger.  He pops off his friend's dog tags and stands tall for the first time.  He hoists Burt up so he can help him stumble out of the base.  On the way out Andy is shouting and shooting enemy soldiers in a fury.  The final scene is shot from just inside the enemy base as you watch the two soldiers escape into the night.
(Don't bother asking why an unprepared rookie would be sent on such a mission, it's a movie!)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Waiting for the Water-Guy


Think of a caption and submit it in one of three ways:
1. Post it as a comment on this blog
2. E-mail it to me at
3. Post it on the page on Facebook

People give me ideas for cartoons all the time, and my friends can tell you how much I hate it.  I don't like to accept suggestions for a few reasons.  If the idea is bad, I don't want to hear the stupid idea, and worse, if the idea is good, I won't be able to draw it and feel that it is really mine, and who's to say that I wouldn't have eventually thought of it?  But at long last, I think I may have a solution.  I'm going to start a new, "Put your money where your mouth is..." service, where creative thinkers can commission me to bring their cartoon ideas to life.  For a small fee, ($5-7) I will accept your idea with a plan for how you want it drawn.  I'll draw it for you, put it on the internet with your initials next to mine, and get you a 4x6 glossy of it from Kinkos.  It truly is a win win.  Check it out at

Monday, September 20, 2010


This cartoon could be the basis for an ill-conceived, and wildly inappropriate Ad campaign like, "Jesus Saves... at Walmart!"

Coaching Analogy:

I planned to make guacamole to go with my lunch of left-over gorditas today, and I was very excited because my mother and I forgot that we even had an avocado in the fridge last night for the first round.  When I went into the vegetable drawer though, I could see that the avocado wasn't ripe.  That's you rookie, the un-ripe avocado.  Now I could smash you up and mix in some spices right now and you might make a fine guacamole, but you're an avocado that can be great if you have patience and wait for your time.  If you stick to it and keep getting ripe, your guacamole could be the main course someday.

Friday, September 17, 2010


New Toon...

Could you found a college in the desert, that allows alcohol, yet still call it a dry campus?

Cartoon Character...

Name: Todd
Age: 5
Todd and his twin brother Emanuel are two regular boys trying to navigate their way through this crazy mixed-up world.  Both of their parents work full-time so much of their free time is spent with their uncle Gary, who is also their godfather.  Gary is unemployed so he is happy to be the full-time babysitter for the twins who may or may not be omnipotent.  Catch all the action in the new series, Godchildren.

(based on the old toon...)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Tonight will be the first night of my new part-time job as a Post-Move Consultant.  I will be helping out with my old high school basketball team teaching the forwards some new tricks around the basket.  I am very excited to add this new job to my business cards alongside Cartoons, Caricatures, and General Labor.

Why must I press a button to specify that I don't want a car-wash every time I pump gas?

Cartoon Character...
Name: Donald Belasco
Age: 67
Bio: Practicing the art of Karate from a very young age, Don ascended the ranks to become an eighth-degree black-belt, a "Grand Master."  He was always taught to be disciplined and avoid the use of force.  He, in his later years, is disappointed that he was never once compelled to fight and is beginning to grow impatient.  These days he walks around his office with a terrible temper and a short fuse just waiting for someone to cross him, and feel his Frustrated Fury... (working title).

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Grind

The winner of the  best Pringles flavor poll turned out to be Pizza!  I would have guessed that BBQ and Ranch would be battling for the top spot because they are both great, but the people have spoken.  Well, nine people have spoken, including me.  I'm just glad Cheddar Cheese didn't win.

If I were a woman, I would get really fat so I could use those parking spots for expectant mothers.

Writer's Block

Friday, September 10, 2010

TGIF! Right?!

Fresh toon: "Drug Dealer Humor"

I would love to meet the genius at the Pringles factory who decided that one of the top three flavors, that would be placed alongside Original and Sour Cream & Onion in the combo pack, was Cheddar Cheese.  I tried one of these neon orange monstrosities with my bagel sandwich yesterday and almost had to spit it out.  I'm asking in this week's poll what you, the reader, think should be the third member of the combo pack because in terms of the Cheddar Cheese Pringles, once I pop, I can definitely stop.  

Commercial Critique:
That, "Let me see yo ID please, keep it wit you like yo keys," commercial about cigarettes is one of the better songs on the radio right now.

Movie Song:
I think that the song, Me & Julio Down by the Schoolyard by Paul Simon would be perfect for a montage of two elderly friends escaping from a retirement home.  Scenes could include them tapping nurses on the opposite shoulder, and sneaking past them as they turn, using their head as a coat rack to hide, and finally in their final dash to freedom, walking out the door pretending to be with a choir group that came to sing to the old folks.  As soon as they get out of the door staff members calmly escort them back in but they are laughing like crazy anyway because they had a great adventure.  It will be a buddy comedy produced by Disney so in the end one of them obviously has to die.

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

NFL Season Day: 1

Toon of the day...
Tonight, when the NFL season kicks off, I hope everything goes like it did in my dreams last night.  The Vikings will win the toss and choose to receive (kick-off returned to the 33).  On the first play, the Saints will blitz a safety, who, at top speed will smash into Brett Favre turning his old bones to dust.  Don't get me wrong, I would love to have my fingers broken by a Brett Favre bullet pass in a muddy pick-up game wearing Wrangler Jeans as much as the next guy, but watching his off-season "decision" buzz makes me sick.

Commercial Critique:
Check out this commercial for the new Schick Hydro: click to view video
Now I think these commercials are very cool, but are we to believe that during the first scene, these Karate men practice by cracking each other in the face with wooden poles?!  That guy is extremely lucky that bo staff turned into water when it did!

No work tomorrow so... Bottoms up!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My name is Garrett.

I live at home and work as a drug-runner for a pharmacy.  In my spare time I like to draw, play Super Mario Strikers, and work on my post-moves*.  When I grow up I am going to be a Cartoonist!  I have maintained a website at that displays my cartoons and caricatures.  This spring I am hoping to make a pilgrimage to New York City where I will try to make it in the creative field.

Until then, I'll just keep cranking out 'toons.

I recently had another idea for a cool blog, and inspired by the movie Julie & Julia, I started work on it today.  This idea will start as a blog, evolve into a podcast, and, with a little luck, become the most listened to radio show in the country.  
I have always been amazed by the power that music has to move people.  In this portion of the blog I will create a detailed movie scene, and choose a song that compliments it.  In the show I will do two scenes myself, an in-studio guest will do another one, and I'll read one more that was submitted through e-mail.  Here is an example...

This scene is from a movie about a young man named… Bob, whose girlfriend breaks up with him. They had been dating for years and he thought they were happy, but she felt that he had no direction in life and she wanted to break it off so they wouldn’t waste any more time with each other.  She breaks up with him on a Wednesday so he has to drag himself to work on Thursday and Friday, completely miserable.  For the next two days he has stubble on his face and his hair is disheveled.  His friends get the news about the break-up when one of them notices on Facebook that Bob’s girlfriend changed her relationship status to, “Single” while his remains set as, “In a relationship.”  Like good friends do, they take him out that Saturday and they get him drunk.

Bob wakes up the next morning on his apartment floor wearing just his boxers and one sock.  He realizes that he is going to be sick and scurries to the bathroom.  He splashes water on his unshaven face and looks at himself in the mirror.  He takes a deep breath, walks into his bedroom, and plops down on his bed.  The sun is shining brightly through the blinds and he has to squint.  Then this song begins to play…Fleetwood Mac - Never Going Back Again

The camera shoots him from the back and you can see how pretty the weather is outside.  He sits up straight on his bed and gives his body a mighty stretch.  He rubs his eyes and his face starts to brighten up just a bit.  He starts to look around his room at the mess from his drunken stumbling the night before.  Clothes strewn about, half eaten five-dollar foot-long, TV repeating the home screen of his Old School DVD.  He presses a towel onto the spot where a near-full bottle of beer tipped over.  He goes through the pockets of the jeans he was wearing the night before to find a melted KIT-KAT, a pile of one-dollar bills and a napkin.  He opens the folded napkin to reveal the name Allison and a phone number.  He smiles to himself and continues to clean up his room. (Ahh, everything is going to be ok.)

So here is what you are in for when you read this blog... Brand new cartoons as I make them, movie scenes and songs that will tug at your heart strings, critiques of commercials that I don't like or that don't make sense, and a couple of passages from my worldview.
Example: In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.  But in this land where most everyone has two eyes, his glass eye is very unsettling. 

*post-move: A maneuver performed at or around the basket in the game of basketball.  See also: dream-shake, up-and-under